Saturday 23 October 2010

#17 - Lost Duke of Wyndham ~ Julia Quinn

ISBN:  978-0-7499-3793-5

Who would have thought that an itinerant Highwayman may, or may not, turn out to the the rightful heir to the Dukedom of Wyndham.

On one fatefully night John (Jack) Cavendish-Audley holds up the carriage of the Dowager Duchess of Wyndham and her companion Miss Grace Eversleigh.

Even though he is masked, the Dowager recognises the very second he opens the door the features of her long dead son John Cavendish and begs him to hold Miss Eversleigh hostage whilst she fetches a miniature of said son from her reticule.  Whilst the Dowager is locating it from the inside of the carriage, Jack steals a kiss from Miss Eversleigh.

To the Dowager he denies any connection, but to Grace he admits that his name used to be Cavendish long ago.

The Dowager is desperate and begs him to attend her at the Castle....... I won't spoil the rest, but they eventually journey to Ireland to reveal the truth .... and a very happy ending.

I have to admit that I am now getting used to Miss Quinn's writing style, and whilst couched in slightly more modern language they are entertaining, sometimes funny, and downright enjoyable in a happy kind of way.

A 3 star *** read.

Happy reading.



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