ISBN: 978-0-7538-2825-0
This should have been entitled "You Couldn't Make it Up .... Seriously" a masterpiece of a Biography on the Heiress Mary Eleanor Bowes and detailing her first marriage to the Earl of Strathmore (making them the great-great-great-grandparents of our deceased Queen Mother, Elizabeth (Bowes-Lyon) and her second marriage to Irishman Andrew Robinson Stoney ..... note I said Irishman, not gentleman .... he most definitely could not be accused of that!
A splendidly gripping tale of cruelty shown to this poor woman, her suffering and ultimate victory - it would surely tax any novelist to come up with the plot in a month of Sundays'.
On this of all days, it is interesting to also note that the Bowes Fortune was made in the coalfields of Durham, and our own Prince William has today married the descendant of a miner from Durham!
It's my humble opinion that this book is essential reading for any avid reader of historical fiction, and it is packed full of truly interesting facts, and would therefore strongly recommend you read it. A 5+ *****+ Star read.