Sunday 1 June 2014

#449 Blue Fire and Ice

Blue Fire and Ice (Land’s Tale, #1) Blue Fire and Ice (Land’s Tale, #1) by Alan Skinner

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Land's Tale Book #1

I would say that this is a book perfect for the age 12 upwards market, even moving into adult reading.

On the whole it was simply written, but had a fairly decent pace and voice to it.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that it's got the bones of a film lurking in there ... much like Game of Thrones laid down the foundation for adaptation to the screen, I could seriously see this doing the same things.

Every story is made better by the inclusion of a bear, and then when you add in the unpredictability of the mix, it pretty much would have it all for a screen writer to run with.

This is certainly a book I think I will recommend to my 11 year old God Daughter, as a decent read.

Product Details

Another DSOA from about this time last year, when it was free to download.  At this current time it's available HERE for £1.84 as a Kindle download - actually, that's really a fairly decent price.

336 Pages
Sibling Press
Fiction, Fantasy, Magic, Mystery, Adventure, Family Reading
Aimed at the over 10 market up to adult reading

The Good ... the bad ... and the ugly

Kudos for the fact that the writing was simple, and of a decent quality - actually something that is proving quite rare.

In the ugly section were a few a handful of missing conjunctions.

The bad were a few errors/bug bears:

Loc 530:  '... quite worn out from trying to make Beadledom a look a little brighter.' - look a little brighter.

Loc 534:  'I'm sure they are very clever but I don't why anybody ...' - know why.

Loc 1099: 'I would love to have you come, ...' - I would love to have you, or I would love you to come.

Loc 1116: 'She so hoped she was.' - the so is superfluous.

Loc 2362:  '... making the sea the only way leave the Land.' - way to leave the Land.

Loc 3023: 'Dot had offered hers to a young mother cradling a young baby in her arms.' - no need to use 'young' twice.  A baby is by definition young!

Loc 3853:  'I will not be burden!' - be a burden.

Loc 3858:  'Standing back from them all, she watch as Copper took ...' - watched.

Loc 3920: 'Her hands searched for the Dot as she ...' - delete 'the'.

Loc 5437: '... no larger than a crickle ball.' - I'm not sure if this should be 'cricket' ball, or in fact there is a came called 'Crickle' in the Land.

Happy reading.



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